So now its all over. Too much shopping, too much food . . . and immediately the sales. Advent turned into frantic activity when, traditionally, it ought to be a time of reflection. Christmas ends with the same frantic opening of presents (to be exchanged in the sales) and the twelve days cease to be.
But turn things around. Post-Christmas is now a time of reflection. It’s time to ease back, measure the year past and consider the year to come.
For me, it has been a period of thinking through incarnation; the central mystery of faith as the divine uniting with the human; the transcendent becoming immanent; humanity enlivened by divinity. Incarnation is ultimately sacramental, the created making known the uncreated; humanity through which divinity is glimpsed.
And this year for me the wonder is that all are called to this; to be the daughters and sons of God in whose lives love, kindness, justice and peace and glimpsed.
“May I be as Christ to those I meet.” “May I be a sacrament.” “May I, too, be one with the divine, one with ultimate reality.”
May this be 2006.
+ Ab Andrew
But turn things around. Post-Christmas is now a time of reflection. It’s time to ease back, measure the year past and consider the year to come.
For me, it has been a period of thinking through incarnation; the central mystery of faith as the divine uniting with the human; the transcendent becoming immanent; humanity enlivened by divinity. Incarnation is ultimately sacramental, the created making known the uncreated; humanity through which divinity is glimpsed.
And this year for me the wonder is that all are called to this; to be the daughters and sons of God in whose lives love, kindness, justice and peace and glimpsed.
“May I be as Christ to those I meet.” “May I be a sacrament.” “May I, too, be one with the divine, one with ultimate reality.”
May this be 2006.
+ Ab Andrew