I have for some time been considering the bipolar ideas of solitude-community and diversity-communion.
In the Lindisfarne Community we are seeking to live in the tension of living for ourselves before God (the idea of solitude) and with one another (the idea of community). It seems to me that the two ideas are essentail for a healthy and balanced discipleship. We are to be in that place before God which is profoundly alone (but not lonely); yet, we are not alone as we share the journey with others.
By the same token, we have sought to be diverse in welcoming those who are different (share diverse ideas, who do not replicate each other, are not clones, who do not seek to control the other) yet who are drawn togather in the Communion of Jesus in the new monasticism.
Within our communion we know solitude.
Within community we rejoice in diversity.
Our community is a communion of hearts and spirits.
Solitude makes for a diversity of expression.
In the light of Epiphany,
+ Ab. Andrew
In the Lindisfarne Community we are seeking to live in the tension of living for ourselves before God (the idea of solitude) and with one another (the idea of community). It seems to me that the two ideas are essentail for a healthy and balanced discipleship. We are to be in that place before God which is profoundly alone (but not lonely); yet, we are not alone as we share the journey with others.
By the same token, we have sought to be diverse in welcoming those who are different (share diverse ideas, who do not replicate each other, are not clones, who do not seek to control the other) yet who are drawn togather in the Communion of Jesus in the new monasticism.
Within our communion we know solitude.
Within community we rejoice in diversity.
Our community is a communion of hearts and spirits.
Solitude makes for a diversity of expression.
In the light of Epiphany,
+ Ab. Andrew