The simplicty of Rule of the Lindisfarne Community is to live a balanced life of prayer, work, study and rest (some wish to add play).
Reflecting on a balanced life, which probably most of us are working towards, I came across a quote by Newman in Moss's "The Birth of the Middle Ages." Newman says that the thrust of the Rule of St. Benedict was in "having neither hope nor fear of anything below; in daily prayer, daily bread and daily work, one day being just like another, except that it was one step nearer than the day before it to that great Day which would swallow up all days, the day of everlasting rest."
The blessing of the Three be yours today,
Ab + Andrew
Reflecting on a balanced life, which probably most of us are working towards, I came across a quote by Newman in Moss's "The Birth of the Middle Ages." Newman says that the thrust of the Rule of St. Benedict was in "having neither hope nor fear of anything below; in daily prayer, daily bread and daily work, one day being just like another, except that it was one step nearer than the day before it to that great Day which would swallow up all days, the day of everlasting rest."
The blessing of the Three be yours today,
Ab + Andrew